Sesamia inferens Walker

Order: Lepidoptera  Family: Noctuidae
Common name : Pink borer
Egg collection and rearing

Freshly emerged moths of both sexes are released in a cage inside which young sugarcane plants (45 to 60 days old) or (Ragi plants) are placed. The cut ends of plants are wrapped with moist cotton swab. The leaf sheaths are loosened a little and held in horizontal position. After 4 days eggs are collected and disinfested with 0.1% formalin at 20°C for 6 hours, and transferred into plastic containers.

The neonate larvae are transferred at the rate of 75 / bottle containing diet I. The mouth of the bottle is covered with muslin cloth piece held in position by rubber bands and the lid fixed. The diet has to be changed twice once in 10-12 days. At the first change 40 larvae / bottle are introduced and while using the second change 25 larvae / bottle are introduced. The larvae have to be disinfected with 10% rectified spirit and washed with distilled water if fungus growth is noticed.

The larvae thus collected (IV or V instar) are transferred at the rate of 3 larvae / tube (10 x 1.5 cm dia) containing a piece of diet II. Close watch is kept on pupation and the pupae are collected, disinfected with 10% rectified sprit and washed with distilled water. After drying over a filter paper, pupae are transferred to petridishes with filter paper. Pupae with disease symptoms are discarded. These petridishes with pupae are placed inside an adult emergence cage, the base of which is lined with moistened synthetic sponge. On emergence moths are collected and released in egg laying cages.

Composition of Diet I
Fraction Agms
Chick pea (Kabuligram) flour60
Casein (Indian)50
Ascorbic acid10
Yeast tablets22.5
Methyl para-hydroxy benzoate2
Sorbic acid1
Multivitaplex capsules2 no.s
Vitamin E1 no (0.100 mg)
Saffola oil5 ml
Formalin 40%1 ml
Fraction B 
Distilled water500 ml
Fraction C 
Agar-agar powder or shreds10
Fraction D 
Sugarcane shoot powder75
Preparation of diet

Mix (in blender) fraction 'A' in 50% of the fraction 'B' thoroughly. Boil fraction 'C' in the remaining 50% of the fraction 'B' and pour the fraction 'C' into 'A' which is transferred to a clean plastic basin. Mix them thoroughly add fraction 'D' little by little and mix thoroughly. Transfer the diet into diet bottle to 1/4 quantity (10 bottles/1 set of diet). The bottles covered with muslin cloth and lid.

Composition of Diet II
Fraction Agms
Kabuligram flour100
Milk powder40
Yeast tablets20
Salt mixture2
Ascorbic acid6
Methyl para-hydroxy benzoate4
Sorbic acid2
Vitamin E capsules2 (200 mg)
Maize flour100
Linseed oil3 ml
Formaldehyde (40%)4 ml
Fraction B 
Distilled water1100 ml
Fraction C 
Agar-agar powder or shreds23

Preparation is in the same way as diet. The prepared diet is transferred to a basin. The solidified diet is cut into pieces of required size and transferred to tubes.